
Hello there!

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Alyna. You may also know my parents; Dennis & Annette Briscoe.

I’m the lucky girl who seduced Kevin through my obliviousness to his advances and my awkward attempts to flirt with him.

I grew up in Providence, Utah, just south of Logan. Unlike Kevin, I was pretty quiet and calm as a child. At least that’s how I remember it; my parents might tell you a different story. I enjoyed reading, tumbling, traveling, and was an accessory in several of the crazy things my siblings did.

I went to high school and did nothing too outgoing like sports or debate. I did enjoy my classes and friends quite a bit though, so it worked out fine. My junior year, I moved with my parents to Holland for a year and attended an international school there. I moved back to Utah for a great senior year and to go to Utah State University. I was originally planning on majoring in international business but found myself taking information system classes instead. I pretty much rocked at that, so they let me graduate.

Now I’m working as a software engineer at Vivint and loving our life together! We get to be nerds together and celebrate life and have random midnight snack shopping with accompanying TV show marathon. He doesn’t mind my geekiness (I’m very well versed in TV shows and memes) and I don’t mind his sports.  Anyways, we’re happy and excited to get married and continue our awesomeness forever!